New Grads

Congratulations and welcome to the ACPHS alumni community! As a graduate, you are part of a growing alumni community that is more than 9,500 strong, with our graduates living around the world. Your fellow alumni are leaders in disciplines across the healthcare professions.
You can use this page to become better acquainted with our alumni community. Please feel free to reach out to the College and connect with other alumni.
Get to know your alumni community. Join the conversation on Instagram or LinkedIn and join the LinkedIn Alumni Group.
You can also sign up for a free ACPHS alumni email for life! Email us for details!
Learn more about alumni events taking place throughout the year or reach out to us with ideas for new types of events.
On the Move
Keep your contact information current to receive the latest news about alumni programs, events and leadership opportunities.
Your Milestones
Share your news with #ACPHSalumni on Instagram or email us with an update.
Share Your Story
We are always looking for alumni who want to share their stories with current and prospective students or fellow alumni. Please email us and let us know how you'd like to help. We have alumni who serve as admissions volunteers, professional mentors and guest speakers.
Career Services
The helpful career services team is happy to help alumni find new roles, or post open positions to encourage students or alumni to apply.